History of Markham
About 1000 AD, Markham was first settled by the Iroquois people who lived
in semi-permanent villages, growing mainly corn, but also squash, beans
and sunflowers, in the fertile soil they found in the valley of the river
they called the Katabokakonk, “river of easy entrance”. They also used the
river and valley as a route to the north country. In the 17th century,
five aboriginal tribes, speaking related languages—the Mohawk, Seneca,
Cayuga, Onondaga and Oneida peoples---formed a federation called the Five
Iroquois Nations.* The distinctive structure built by the Iroquois was the
“longhouse”, a grouping of these multi-family dwellings making up an
Iroquois settlement.
In 1608, the French founded a colony in Quebec City and,
from there, established settlements along the shores of the St. Lawrence
River. They began to explore further inland and laid claim to the lands
where Markham now stands. When they visited this area they found the
Katabokakonk river but, struck by how in places its waters were coloured
reddish by the clay along its banks, they named it the Rivière Rouge.
During these explorations, the French also pursued the fur trade with the
native peoples. In the middle of the 17th century, there existed a village
near the mouth of the Rouge River called Ganatsekwyagon, inhabited by
Senecas, one of the five nations of the Iroquois confederacy. It was
eventually abandoned but the discovery of relics at a location about a
kilometre up the eastern bank of the Rouge from Lake Ontario has lead to
the belief that it is the site of the village of Ganatsekwyagon.
With Britain’s victory in the Seven Years War with France
(1756-1763), the French King ceded his colony of New France to Britain.
This included the territory north of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.
Britain now had to decide how to organize this new
territory. She created a province which she called Quebec and which
extended to just west of the Ottawa River. The territory to the west of
that line, including, of course, where Markham stands today, was
designated as Indian Territories. At first, new settlement was excluded
from this area and trade with the native peoples could be carried on only
under license. Treaties were negotiated with the aboriginal peoples.
In those years Britain was still in possession of her
American colonies located along the eastern seaboard of the Atlantic.
English-speaking peoples began to trickle into her new northern colony,
principally to Montreal or east. A decade after obtaining New France,
however, the difficulties for Britain of ruling a population that was
still predominantly French-speaking and Roman Catholic resulted in her
proclaiming the Quebec Act of 1774. This Act recognized the Roman Catholic
religion, and provided that in this territory the French Civil Code would
apply to civil matters, such as property, marriage and inheritance but
that in criminal matters the British criminal code would apply. The Act
also extended the boundaries of the territory called the “Province of
Quebec” westward to include where Markham stands today. It even extended
the boundary south to the Ohio River and west to the Mississippi.
The Quebec Act satisfied the French population but angered
the recent British arrivals who found themselves subject to laws which
they viewed as foreign. It also angered Britain’s American colonies who
coveted the lands that Britain had just included in the new boundaries of
the Quebec territory. The anger that the American colonists felt further
fuelled the already existing grievances that led to the outbreak of the
American war of independence in 1776.
In 1783, Britain had to recognize the independence of the
new United States of America and from that year the western boundary
between this new country and Britain’s Province of Quebec was a line
running down the middle of Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Huron and Lake
Superior (see map below).

The American revolutionary war provoked a new immigration
north into British territory on the part of the United Empire loyalists,
Americans who left the fledgling United States to remain loyal to Britain.
Among them were also some German soldiers from among the foreign troops
that had been hired by Britain and brought over to reinforce its forces
fighting in the war. In 1787, with Loyalist settlements now established in
Niagara and others in Cataraqui (near Kingston) Governor Dorchester
negotiated a treaty with the Mississauga aboriginal nation in which the
Crown purchased a tract of land, called the “Toronto Purchase”, which made
it possible to connect these two settlements.
The arrival of the Loyalists, many of whom settled in the
western part of the Quebec territory, led the British Parliament in 1791
to pass the Constitutional Act that divided this territory into two
provinces, the eastern province to be called Lower Canada (corresponding
to the southern part of what is now the Canadian province of Quebec), and
the western part to be called Upper Canada (corresponding to the southern
part of what is now called the province of Ontario). In Lower Canada, the
French Civil Code would continue to apply, but in Upper Canada the British
Common Law would now apply to civil matters. Each province was to have its
own Lieutenant-Governor appointed by Great Britain, an elected Legislative
Assembly, and an upper house called the Legislative Council whose members
would be appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor.
The creation of the province of Upper Canada made it
possible for the settlement and development of our area to really take
off. The first Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada was John Graves Simcoe.
During his term as Lieutenant-Governor, Simcoe took many steps which
impacted directly on Markham. The first capital of Upper Canada was
Niagara-on-the-Lake (then called Newark) but, located just across the
Niagara River from the United States, it was judged too vulnerable to
attack from the new American republic. Simcoe decided to move the capital
to York (now called Toronto).
For administrative purposes, Simcoe divided the province
into four districts which he named Eastern, Midland, Western and Home. The
districts were divided into counties, and the counties eventually into
townships. The Home District contained the provincial capital, York,
located within the wider county which was also named York.
One of Governor Simcoe’s greatest concerns was for the
military security of Upper Canada. The clearing of Yonge Street fit partly
into this strategy. Increasing the population by attracting new immigrants
through a system of free land grants was another important element. The
southern part of York was organized and surveyed into farm lots by 1792.
From 1793 to 1794 the same work was completed in the township of Markham.
Simcoe named the township after his friend William Markham, the Archbishop
of York (England) at the time.
An explanation of the system by which Markham township was
divided into lots gives us some clues to the emergence of the streets and
roads whose names are so familiar to us now. The township, rectangular in
shape, extended from Yonge Street to the Pickering Town Line and was
divided, from west to east, into ten sections, called concessions, each
one 1 ¼ miles in width. These concessions were bounded on the south by the
Scarborough Town Line (now called Steeles Avenue) and on the north by the
Whitchurch Town Line. They were crossed by a grid of six sideroads,
running east and west, which were also 1 ¼ miles apart. The land was
divided into 200 acre lots, running, long and narrow, from one concession
road to the next. On the north-south plane, five lots were created between
every two sideroads. The road we now call Highway 7 was originally called
sideroad 7 in Markham Township. The side road north of it is now called
16th Avenue. Some modern-day roads, however, still retain their original
names from the 1793-94 survey. For example, the 9th Line, on which is
situated the new community of Cornell, continues to be the name used for
an important north-south road in the eastern part of Markham.
This survey included the allocation of one seventh of the
lots to be reserved to support a Protestant clergy. These were called
clergy reserves. Another seventh of the lots were reserved for the
disposition of the Crown, in other words, of the Lieutenant-Governor’s
government. The fact that the Lieutenant-Governor could dispose of these
lands as he wished meant that he could raise money without having to ask
for the approval of the new local assembly. Remember that the
Lieutenant-Governor of that time had real power, which came, not from the
electorate, but from the powers conferred on him by the Imperial
Government in London, and he resented, and avoided when he could, any
constraints that an elected assembly could put on him. The Crown reserves
eventually were all sold by 1828 but the clergy reserves continued to be a
source of friction, and even contributed to the grievances which led to
the rebellion of 1837. They were not sold off until 1854.
But let’s return to the years immediately following the
creation of Upper Canada and the surveying of the new townships. European
settlement in Markham began with William Moll Berczy. He was a German
entrepreneur and artist who in 1792 led a group of German settlers to the
United States with the intention of settling in the Genesee Tract in upper
New York State. After their arrival in New York, however, problems arose
over land tenure and there were disputes over finances. The Berczy
settlers began to look elsewhere. In May of 1794, Berczy negotiated with
Simcoe for 64,000 acres in Markham Township, soon to be known as the
German Company Lands. The Berczy settlers, joined by several Pennsylvania
German families, set out for Upper Canada that same year.
Approximately a hundred and ninety arrived. The double
trials of harsh winters and crop failures made their first few years
difficult and a number of settlers moved back to Niagara, their first
point of entry into Upper Canada. Those who stayed were to eventually
prosper. Some of the Berczy settlers, using the Don River, moved their
equipment and provisions to lot 4 in Concession 3 where they founded a
small hamlet, complete with a grist mill for the grinding of grain, that
came to be called German Mills.
Another group of émigrés were French aristocrats who had
fled to Great Britain to escape the upheavals of the French Revolution.
They became a burden on the British government who, as a result, arranged
for their immigration to Upper Canada. Lots were set aside for them on
both sides of Yonge Street north of what later was called Elgin Mills and
in 1799 they arrived. This was not a group well suited to the rigours and
the isolation of what was still a remote area and eventually most of them
sold their holdings to one of their group who had been more successful,
Laurent Quetton St.
A very important immigration also came from the
Pennsylvian German communities of the United States. Sometimes referred to
as the Pennsylvania Dutch (partly due to an erroneous anglicization of
Pennsylvania Deutsch) these people had lived in Britain’s American
colonies for a century, their ancestors having left Europe to escape
religious persecution. But now, faced with a shortage of land for their
large families, and unwilling to swear allegiance to the new Republic,
some looked to the British territory to the north for new possibilities.
One of the members of this community who came to the Markham area to look
into land acquisition was Peter Reesor. He returned to Pennsylvania and
then, along with other families, came back in the trek of 1804. These new
settlers were able to purchase land at good prices. A hamlet grew up near
their settlements that was first called Reesorville, and later Markham
village. Unlike the Berczy settlers before them, they did not receive
their land as a grant. Because of their long experience in farming in
Pennsylvania, these settlers, most of them of the Mennonite religion,
adapted easily to their new country.
Although there was some immigration that came directly
from Britain, emigration to Canada via the United States was the main
source of new settlers for the first several years of the life of Upper
Canada, and of Markham in particular.
What kind of administration was in place at that time? The
four districts created by Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe were the basic units.
In the Home District, as it was with the other three, the management of
local affairs was placed in the hands of magistrates who were appointed by
the Lieutenant Governor. The magistrates were responsible for all local
expenditures such as paying the fees for parish clerks and jailers,
appointing township and district constables, surveyors, and inspectors of
weights and measures. They also regulated markets, built and managed
courthouses, jails and asylums. Anyone who wanted a license to sell liquor
had to apply to the magistrates. The only ministers who could perform
marriages were those of the Anglican, Presbyterian and Lutheran churches
who had been licensed by a magistrate to do so.
The district magistrates were required to hold a yearly
town meeting at which local officers would be elected. A town meeting in
the Home District on July 17, 1797 records, among other appointments, the
naming of William Berczy as Overseer of Highways for the German Settlement
and John Stamm as its Constable.
In 1812, Upper and Lower Canada were in crisis as war
broke out between Britain and the United States. This was mainly the
result of trans-Atlantic issues between the two countries but, as the two
Canadas were British possessions, the United States attacked Britain
through her North American territories. Land invasions by the American
forces near Detroit and Niagara were both repulsed by a combination of
British regular forces, locally raised militias (in which some Markham
residents fought) and aboriginal fighters that rallied to the British
These militias had come into existence due to the Militia
Act, a law that Simcoe had put through the Parliament of Upper Canada back
in 1793. This Act required all males between the ages of 16 and 50 years,
who were residents of Upper Canada and who were physically fit, to be
enrolled in local militia companies. These units had to muster and be
inspected twice a year. One unit of the local militia was called the York
Militia, in which John Button, from the 4th Concession Line of Markham,
held the rank of Captain. Captain Button was the first of three
generations of his family to serve in the Canadian militias, being
followed by Francis Button and William Button. Benjamin Milliken, after
whom one of Markham’s oldest communities is named, served as a private in
the York Militias. In 1813, American forces, backed by guns from naval
ships offshore, landed near Sunnyside beach, and occupied the town of York
for five days during which they burned the Parliament Buildings and
Governor’s residence and sacked many private homes that had been abandoned
by fleeing residents. Peace between Britain and the United States was
restored in 1814.
At the end of the Napoleonic wars, of which the war of
1812-14, was a side effect, Britain found herself with a large number of
demobilized soldiers. Many were attracted by the news of cheap land in
Canada. A number of ex-officers bought land along Yonge Street, while some
of the soldiers became pioneers, buying less expensive land further into
the township. Benjamin Thorne was one of these new settlers, operating a
mill in a spot that was called Thorne’s Hill, later abbreviated by the
Post Office to Thornhill.
During these early years of Markham’s history, when
pioneering, and its rigors, played the main role, there began also the
development of agricultural industries. The township’s many rivers and
streams soon supported water-powered saw, grist and woollen mills. In
fact, because of the poor roads, it was the presence of a local mill that
was usually the spur to the development of the first small hamlets. German
Mills, Almira, Buttonville (named after the family that took a leading
role in the militias) and Cedar Grove are examples of small hamlets that
developed around a mill site. Another of these hamlets, originally part of
the Berczy settlement, grew up at the 6th Concession Line just north of
the Rouge River, and took the name of Unionville after the re-uniting of
Upper and Lower Canada in 1841.
What were the events that led back to union? The
Constitution Act of 1791, that created the separate provinces of Upper and
Lower Canada and established the system of government that would prevail
in each, led to the rapid development of Upper Canada but it also
contained the seeds that grew into discontent and eventual rebellion. The
problem arose in that under the colonial governing structure the
Lieutenant-Governor was accountable mainly to the Imperial Government in
London, rather than to the elected assembly. He could appoint whomever he
wanted to public positions, including to the powerful Upper House of
Parliament, the Legislative Council. A small circle composed of the
Lieutenant-Governor, the members of the Legislative Council and a small
number of established families came to form a governing clique over whom
the people could not exercise control. This small but dominant group was
dubbed The Family Compact by William Lyon Mackenzie, the main spokesman
for those advocating a reform of the political system. The reformers
called for “responsible government”, a government that was responsible, or
answerable, to the elected legislature.
The people of Markham were typical of the province’s
population in that they were politically aware and the bitter
disagreements between the reformers led by Mackenzie and the citizens who
supported the Lieutenant-Governor created deep divisions. As part of the
riding of York, Markham elected MacKenzie as their member of the
Legislative Assembly on five occasions between 1828 and 1836 but he was
always expelled soon after. Many felt sympathy with his demands for
responsible government. But many of these sympathizers also continued to
feel loyalty to the Crown. Mackenzie, however, went beyond and began to
adopt openly republican views.
In 1837 armed rebellions broke out in both Upper and Lower
Canada. In Lower Canada, where the same grievances were fanned by a
French-Canadian national feeling pitted against a British-dominated
colonial regime, the uprising dragged on into the following year. In Upper
Canada, the revolt led by William Lyon Mackenzie, was quickly put down.
Mackenzie’s republican views had alienated some who could have been his
supporters. He was also no military strategist. However some Markham
farmers did answer the call to open rebellion, as a result, many faced
arrest. Other Markham citizens opposed the rebellion. Captain John Button
raised armed troops of militia to help to quash the uprising.
Although the rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada were
both defeated militarily, they did result in a major change to the way the
two provinces were governed. The British Government sent Lord Durham to
conduct an enquiry into the causes of the unrest. He recommended that
Upper and Lower Canada be reunited under a single government which would
be answerable to a single elected assembly. He also recommended that the
principal of Responsible Government be granted to this united province.
What that meant was that under the new constitution, the Governor, in all
matters internal to the province, could no longer act unilaterally, but
would conduct himself in the same way as the Queen did in the home
country. That is, he would govern on the advice of his elected ministers,
and his ministers had to enjoy the confidence of the elected assembly.
This is the principle by which we are governed today. One could say that,
through the granting of this principle in 1841, Britain ceased to govern
her colony of Canada as far as the purely internal affairs of the province
were concerned. This united province, however, did not become a sovereign
country. Our relations with other countries were still the exclusive
responsibility of the Imperial Government in London as was, to a large
extent, our defence.
Under the old constitution, and the new, electoral
politics remained a rough affair. Voters had to travel long distances, and
at the polling locations they voted verbally. There were often attempts
made to intimidate voters. Free liquor was offered in the taverns during
election week.
Drinking was itself an issue much debated in those times.
Because of the difficulty of transporting grain, local breweries sprang up
in many communities. For innkeepers, the sale of liquor was the basis of
their livelihood. At harvesting, barn raisings—and other tasks where many
pitched in---alcoholic drinks were generally expected to be provided. As
the years passed, the temperance movement gathered strength in response to
this and the contention between the two sides was ongoing.
The new system of responsible government also greatly
reduced the privileged position of the Church of England, or Anglicans.
Under the previous regime, centred as it was around the British appointed
Lieutenant-Governor, the Anglicans had been favoured. The clergy reserves
set aside in the land survey had been for their benefit. Until 1831 the
only Protestant denominations allowed to perform marriages were, most
importantly, the Anglicans, and, in addition, Lutherans and Quakers. Some
smaller and newer sects, such as the Methodists, were starting, however,
to gain followers. The Methodists were distinguished by their use of the
itinerant preacher, who rode on horseback, or, in winter, by sleigh, to
visit believers.
Another change that came as a result of responsible
government was that more public money was invested in education. In
Markham’s early years, with the arrival of the Berczy settlers and the
Pennsylvania Germans, Markham as a community had a distinctly German
character. Many of the schools in those communities used German as the
language of instruction. Later, in 1844, Dr. Egerton Ryerson was appointed
to organize the school system in Canada West, the western half of the
United Province of Canada. Starting in 1849, municipal councils could levy
taxes specifically for school purposes and Markham Township appointed
Anglican Rev. George Hill as its first supervisor of schools. The most
common in those days was the one room elementary school, in which one
teacher taught all the grades. By 1870, all school expenses were paid
through taxation and school attendance was compulsory for children aged 7
through 13. They had to attend school at least 100 days every year.
The Municipal Corporations Act of 1849 affected more than
just the school system. It went a long way toward bringing our system of
local government closer to what we experience today. In 1841 the old
District town meeting had been abolished and replaced by an elected
District Council but this proved to be only an interim stage. The 1849 Act
abolished the District system completely and established municipal
governments to replace it. The county became the unit of organization, and
county and township councils were established. In 1850 by-laws were passed
by which the Township of Markham would be regulated and in 1851 David
Reesor was elected Reeve. Henry Miller became deputy Reeve and there were
three Councillors.
In Markham, by the middle of the century, most of the
township had been cleared of forest and much of the land was under
cultivation. But maintaining the concession lines and side roads was
always a challenge. Most of the work was done by statute labour. The farm
owners were obligated, according to their assessment, to provide a certain
number of days of work on the roads, including the supplying of a team of
horses and a wagon. One early method of dealing with swampy ground was the
laying of tree trunks side by side. Earth was dug from the side of the
road and laid on top of the logs. This also produced a ditch on each side.
However, with rains and floods, the earth covering was washed away and
these so-called “corduroy” roads became bone jarringly bumpy. Paving the
main roads by laying successive layers of broken stone (this was called
macadamizing) proved too costly, with the result that they were planked
instead. That, however, was not an ideal solution either as the planks
heaved, broke or wore out and needed to be replaced every eight years. In
1864 gravelling was adopted as a means of maintaining some of the main
concession lines and side roads. Over time, the population increased and
villages like Thornhill, Unionville and Markham greatly expanded.
Specialised industries began to spring up, such as wagon works, tanneries,
farm implement manufacturers and furniture factories.
The road that was critical to the development of all the
communities along its path was Yonge Street. When Lieutenant-Governor
Simcoe decided on Toronto as the navel arsenal of Lake Ontario, he looked
for the most direct route north from Toronto to Georgian Bay and Lake
Huron. He decided that following the old Indian trail to Lake Simcoe, and
then using the system of rivers and portages from there, was the best
route. Surveying of this road began in 1794 and the road was named Yonge
Street by Gov. Simcoe after Sir George Yonge who was then the Imperial
Secretary of War. The cutting out of the road to Lake Simcoe was completed
in 1796. William Berczy helped with the work on the road, starting at
Eglinton, by sending a crew of men from the Berczy settlement. As the
years passed, the road was used by settlers, fur traders, and also by
detachments of soldiers making their way to the military base at
Penetanguishene on Georgian Bay. The road was surveyed into farm lots on
both sides from Eglinton to Holland Landing, traversing several townships,
including the Township of Markham. Settlers along Yonge Street, as
elsewhere, had to clear ten acres for cultivation and fence it, build a
house 16 by 20 feet, and cut down all trees on the front of the lot. As
the use of the road increased, inns began to be established, and some
small companies providing transit, by horse drawn coach, began to operate
along Yonge Street.
In 1867, Canada’s constitution changed again. We mustn’t
forget that until that year the term Canada applied only to the territory
on both sides of the St. Lawrence River and to the north of Lake Ontario
and Lake Erie. In 1864, Canada began negotiations with the British
colonies in the Maritimes and, after three years of talks, came to an
agreement with New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to form a federal union, each
retaining a provincial government and elected assembly, and with a federal
capital and parliament located in Ottawa. This was called Confederation.
The new larger entity would also be called Canada and its first prime
minister was Sir John A. Macdonald. The terms of the union also involved
dividing the old province of Canada into two again, one called Quebec, and
the other Ontario, each also with its own provincial government
responsible to a locally elected assembly. But this new, and bigger,
Canada was still a colony within the British Empire. We had internal
self-government and Britain expected us to be responsible for forming a
militia for our own defence but Britain maintained a navy base at Halifax
and still handled our relations with other countries.
Toronto became the provincial capital of Ontario. Railways
had already made their first appearance in 1853 with the inauguration of
the Ontario Simcoe and Huron Railway. The development of railways in
neighbouring townships posed a challenge to Markham’s own prosperity, so
local business owners began to look for allies who could form a railway.
On September 14, 1871, the Toronto and Nipissing Railway Company, with
stations in Unionville, Markham and Stouffville, officially opened its
Scarborough-Uxbridge line.

At first the railway brought
renewed prosperity and rapid development. Increased communication with
Toronto, however, brought about many changes. In 1896 the Metropolitan
Radial Railway was opened up. This made travel from Toronto to the
northern communities along the Yonge Street corridor much easier and the
era of coaches and inns eventually came to a close. An interesting
footnote to the impact of the new Radial Railway was that some artists who
later became members or supporters of the Group of Seven moved from
downtown Toronto and came to live in Thornhill, or to visit it frequently.
One member of this group was J.E.H. MacDonald. Added to the railway links
were also improved connections through telegraph and telephone, all of
which eventually diminished the industrial role of the villages in the
Township of Markham after the turn of the century.
Most of the communities within the Township of Markham
looked to the Township Council for local services. However some villages
grew to a size that entitled them to seek incorporation, giving them more
local authority. In the old Ontario system of municipal government, there
were police villages, villages, towns and cities. When a population of at
least 750 was found within an area of 500 acres, it could apply to be
incorporated as a village, a status that gave it some measure of
self-government. A smaller population gathered in one centre could be
organized as a police village having less local authority than a village.
When a village attained a population of 2,000 persons it could be
incorporated as a town with larger powers. Finally when a town reached a
population of 15,000 it could be incorporated as a city with still more
extensive powers.
Markham Village, its growth further spurred by the opening
of the Toronto and Nipissing Railway in 1871, was incorporated as a
village in 1873. By 1900 it had a population of 950 people and boasted an
impressive new Town Hall. Just to the north, the community of Mount Joy
became a police village in 1907 but in 1915 was annexed to Markham
Village. Unionville was another of the stops of the Toronto and Nipissing
Railway. This contributed to the growth of the community and in 1907
Unionville attained the status of police village.
The growth of centres of population did not always
strictly follow the township boundary lines and three villages in
particular grew up that straddled the lines between two townships. In the
northeast, Stouffville was located along the border between Markham and
Whitchurch townships. Like Unionville and Markham villages, it lay along
the route of the Toronto and Nipissing Railway but being more distant from
Toronto, it developed more independently and in 1873 was incorporated as a
village. Along Yonge Street two villages grew up whose developments were
greatly linked with this important road. Thornhill expanded, with its
eastern part in Markham Township and western part in Vaughan. It attained
status as a police village in 1931. This led to arrangements such as
having its fire protection provided by the two townships but paid for by
the village. Further north, Richmond Hill also straddled Yonge Street, and
thus also lay within both Markham and Vaughan townships. It was
incorporated as a village in 1872.
The advent of the automobile, following the arrival of the
railways, went further in making it difficult for local industries to
compete with the larger factories in Toronto. As a result, Markham
Township, which had once been called the Birmingham of Canada, slowly
returned to its old identity as a quietly productive agricultural
The outbreak of World War I in 1914 and Canada’s
participation in the war effort spurred Canada’s evolution toward full
sovereignty. As a member of the British Empire, Canada was automatically
at war when Britain declared war on Germany and Austria. Canadian
soldiers, under ultimate British command, fought in many key battles. One
of them was fought at Vimy Ridge, France in 1917. The 90th anniversary of
this battle was recently commemorated. When the war was over the feeling
had grown among Canadians that it was time for them to decide for
themselves what their relationship with the rest of the world would be.
Canadians did not wish any longer to be automatically at war when Britain
was at war. Canada took on responsibility for its own diplomacy and in so
doing assumed status as a fully sovereign country.
The war also had an impact on the life of Markham. Still
mainly agricultural, Markham was affected by the departure of many of her
young people to fight in Europe. The shortage of labour stimulated further
the trend toward mechanization on the farm. The development of farm
machinery such as the grain combine meant that communal tasks, such as the
threshing of grain, were no longer necessary.
After World War II (1939 – 1945), however, Markham began
to feel the effects of urban expansion from Toronto. Heavily
industrialised by the war effort and experiencing a post-war baby boom,
the population of the township grew. Markham Township celebrated its
centennial as a municipality in 1950 and rapid change was in store. It
became the destination for waves of new immigrants from all over the
world, but especially from people from the war ravaged countries of
In 1971, the modern Town of Markham was created, a single
town now absorbing the former villages of Unionville and Markham and most
of the territory of the old Township of Markham. But the new town did not
correspond exactly to the old Township rectangle. Some of the western part
was annexed to the new Town of Richmond Hill and the northern boundary was
moved south to a line between 19th Avenue and Stouffville Road, leaving
the village of Stouffville entirely in the new Town of
Whitchurch-Stouffville. The Police Village of Thornhill was dissolved and
this community was split along Yonge Street between the Town of Markham
and the City of Vaughan. The citizens of the new Town of Markham now elect
a Mayor, and a Town Council made up of Councillors from the eight town
wards and four Regional Councillors.
What are the duties of a “Regional Councillor”?. The
reorganization of 1971 also created the Regional Municipality of York,
made up of the city of Vaughan, the towns of Markham, Richmond Hill,
Whitchurch-Stouffville, Newmarket, Aurora, East Gwillimbury and Georgina,
and the township of King. This municipal federation provides services that
are best provided across the entire region rather than by each town on its
own. These include a police force, a regional public transit system and a
common school board. Thus, Markham voters, in addition to the eight Town
Councillors, also elect four Regional Councillors who, along with the
Mayor, represent Markham on York Regional Council which has its seat in
Newmarket. Markham’s four Regional Councillors also sit on Markham’s own
Town Council.
The opening of Highway 404 in the mid-1970s further
accelerated the urban development of the town. Markham has attracted many
companies of the high technology sector and now styles itself the “High
Tech Capital of Canada”.
The growth of the population along with the arrival of new
industries has resulted in large acres of farmland being turned to
subdivisions and industrial areas. Markham now increasingly confronts the
often conflicting needs of urbanization and preservation of natural
Since its very beginnings, Markham’s progress has been
stimulated by immigration and the city has in recent years attracted a
new, dynamic and multicultural population with roots in every continent.
Especially significant in the last quarter century has been immigration
from Asia, with almost thirty per cent of Markham’s current population of
287,000 being of Chinese origin, and twenty percent from South Asia.
New and exciting pages in Markham’s history are being
written today but amidst the rapid change and growth the old rural
beginnings of Markham are still there to be seen and enjoyed by all.